Friday 16 December 2011

The cupcake girl

My love affair with cupcakes started back in Riyadh where sheer boredom and cravings for those dreaded carbs forced me to wear my oven mitts and look out for the packet of flour!

So why do I love baking?? I know its cliche to say its an art but seriously, its a lot about creativity(which btw I suck at). Its the thrill of putting things together, not knowing what the result would be and in the end just indulging in the aroma that wafts across your house.

I am no chef, just an out of work ex-teacher who loves her spatula and measuring cup. So hence forth, I shall be ranting and raving about my adventures and misadventures on this blog. Hope that I find people who can tolerate it enough to look beyond the words into the aesthetics and joy of baking....


1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! So happy you've started this blog :-) Looking forward to your lovely stories and baking journeys. I shall be a regular reader :-) Good Luck!
